Get reminded to contact your friends.

Don't forget your friends (dfyf) is an iOS app that automatically reminds you to contact your friends. Keep in touch, even when you're busy.

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Keep in touch, stay close.

Tell dfyf the contacts you want to stay connected with, how often you want to reach out, and dfyf will send you a friendly reminder. As busy professionals ourselves, we know how hard it is to keep meaningful relationships in good health.

Never forget to say hi again.

Stay in touch with friends and family more regularly. Our app automatically reminds you to contact the people who matter most—without being annoying. Just choose your favorites, set a reminder frequency, and get reminded at the right time. You can choose from weekly, monthly, or quarterly reminders, so you'll never forget to text your friends.

Download on App Store.

Don't forget your friends will be available to download on the App Store. Subscribe to the newsletter to get exclusive access when we launch!

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